Why Men Can Rely On Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

The term testosterone replacement therapy is a little incongruent. As men grow older, their body produces lesser amounts of testosterone. Men’s hormone replacement therapy does not mean jacking up the patient with testosterone, but rather simply supplementing what is naturally lacking.

What Does Testosterone Do?

The primary function of testosterone is to initiate the development of a male’s sexual characteristics. When a male hits puberty, the testes increase testosterone production, and his secondary sexual characters bloom. Later in life, testosterone helps with reproductive function.

Testosterone is also essential to build and maintain muscle bulk. It also boosts bone density and maintains a healthy amount of red blood cells in the body.

Often the effects of low testosterone are confused with the natural waning of age but medical professionals agree that testosterone deficiency can be linked to low libido (sex drive), abnormal fatigue, depression, and loss of muscle. A study by a reputed medical organization revealed that testosterone levels below 300 ng/dL can also lead to osteoporosis.

  • Hypogonadism

Hypogonadism is a medical disorder of the testicles where they produce inadequate, unnaturally low amounts of testosterone. Men’s hormone replacement therapy can help such patients restore a sufficient amount of testosterone in their bodies.

How Can Testosterone Replacement Therapy Help?

  • Boost Your Libido

Higher testosterone levels are directly linked to a spike in sexual arousal. As men age, their sex drive takes a hit. Hormone replacement therapy is essential for libido and erectile function. Numerous studies have also proved that HRT (abbreviation for Hormone Replacement Therapy) can be used to better sexual health and performance.

  • Heart Health and RBC count

Testosterone is known to increase the production of Red Blood Cells in the bone marrow. This indicates that an individual with healthy levels of testosterone are less susceptible to cardiovascular ailments.

A recent study conducted over 83,000 men revealed that patients who underwent HRT were 25% less prone to heart attacks and 36% less prone to strokes.

  • Stronger Bones and More Muscle

Testosterone is crucial to preserve a good mineral density in your bones. Testosterone Replacement Treatment was proven to boost bone density in the spine and pelvic bones. AFAB (Assigned Female at Birth) individuals transitioning to males also found that the testosterone intake increased their bone density. Healthy bones equal athletic ability and ample support for muscles.

Speaking of muscles, testosterone is also linked to an increase in muscle mass. Men’s hormone replacement therapy lowers fat mass while aiding muscle size and strength.

The Broadway Clinic’s BHRT Services

Our Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy optimizes your hormones and paves the way for your bodily mechanism to naturally restore your energy, vitality, strength, libido and mental clarity. Request an appointment with us via our homepage.

**Disclaimer: This content does not aim to provide any medical advice nor does it constitute or prescribe any doctor-patient relationship.