Why Am I Losing Weight Without Trying Anything? Is It Normal?

Losing weight without exercise or dieting? Seems like a heavenly dream come true. Do you think that people who lose weight doing any hard work are the luckiest people ever? Wrong! It can actually be a sign of serious health concerns.

Thanks to a multitude of health articles and doctors, we are well aware of the consequences of gaining weight. We read various mags, consult dietitians and work out to reduce excessive weight. But what if you were in the other group? You may be quite happy with unexplained weight loss but beware, it’s not quite as win-win a situation as you think.

Keep in mind that like gaining weight, losing weight too can affect your physical and mental health. How so? Let's check the underlying reasons behind unexplained weight loss and when you should consult a weight loss doctor in OKC.

Muscle Loss

In general, many people lose weight due to muscle loss. The major symptoms are muscle weakness. Our body is made of fat mass and fat-free mass that includes bone, muscle, and water. Losing muscle can significantly reduce your weight.

Muscle loss happens when you don’t use them for a long time. It is especially concerning for people who don’t partake in any exercises, are bedridden or into desk jobs. You can lose muscle because of other reasons as well such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, burns, aging, and multiple sclerosis.


This disease occurs when the thyroid gland produces more hormones than the body requires. The doctors often refer to it as an overactive thyroid. The thyroid hormone controls the metabolism of our body.

Hyperthyroidism causes the body to burn more calories than usual and you may notice unexpected weight loss. With this disease, you may also experience muscle weakness, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, difficulty sleeping, diarrhea, and frequent mood swings (you know how it jeopardizes yourself). If you notice these symptoms including weight loss, contact a weight loss doctor immediately.


We now know that depression can affect our body to lose weight. According to research, depression was the main reason behind unexplained weight loss in 7% of the participants. Researchers have also proved that people with depression experience trouble in their, hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands. As a result, it affects the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

What are the Other Reasons Behind Unexplained Weight Loss?

Other reasons that can cause sudden and unexplained weight loss include the following -

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Diabetes

  • Inflammatory bowel disease

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  • Endocarditis

  • Tuberculosis

  • Cancer

  • A stomach ulcer

  • Celiac disease

  • Drug abuse disorder

Don’t Take Yourself for Granted

It is normal for body weight to fluctuate a little but an individual should contact a weight loss doctor if he or she loses more than 5% of their body weight within six to 12 months. The health experts can diagnose the root cause by doing a physical examination and then, suggest a suitable treatment option. If you lose a lot of weight suddenly, please feel free to contact us at The Broadway Clinic in OKC.

**Disclaimer: This content does not aim to provide any medical advice nor does it constitute or prescribe any doctor-patient relationship.