The Basics Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone is the key reproductive hormone in a man’s body. But apart from that, it also helps with several other functions, like the distribution of fat and facial hair development. When the human body stops producing hormones like these, the body experiences a condition called hypogonadism. It causes you many problems like lack of focus and diminished sex drive. If you notice a regular loss of hair and muscle from your body or constantly feel tired and restless, you should see the doctor. You can get rid of these issues by taking the help of men’s hormone replacement therapy. There are several methods of that. Whether you want injections or skin patches, the treatment is safe and extremely helpful. But you must also remember that you may experience side effects such as acne, blood clots, and sleep apnea. Therefore, it is wise to consult only experienced professionals.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.