Know All About the Role of an Endocrinologist

Hormones are responsible for growth, metabolism, mood, sensory perception, movement, and many more. Humans have more than fifty different hormones in their bodies. You don’t need to think about it if they are functioning correctly. But with over 50 various hormones taking a complex role in the body, you have to go to an endocrinologist for help.

The hormone specialist in Oklahoma City focuses on your, glands and tissues that help to produce hormones. They have attained specialized training in the endocrine system, which allows them to diagnose and treat the problem that can arise from hormone imbalance.

What Can These Specialists Do?

The hormone specialist has special training in treating disorders of the endocrine system. This is the network of all hormone-producing glands in your system. They are qualified to treat and diagnose conditions like thyroid disease, metabolic disorder, diabetes, growth issue, infertility and some cancers. They also help to understand disorders in the hormone-producing adrenal glands and pituitary glands. Some conditions or diseases that start somewhere else can also become hormonal problems. When problems impact your endocrinal system, the hormone specialist works with your primary care doctor to devise a treatment plan.

Reasons to See an Endocrinologist

Usually, you can see a hormone specialist in an outpatient setting after getting the primary doctor’s reference. Sometimes you need them for consultation during an inpatient visit if there is any concern about a hormone-related disorder. Patients go to hormone specialists for many different problems, from diabetes management to thyroid problems. Your primary doctor will likely refer you to an endocrinologist in the following cases.

Thyroid Disorder

Thyroid disorder often involves little or more different types of hormones produced in the gland. You can see a hormone specialist when your primary care doctor first reviews your diagnosis so that they can create a treatment plan. If no other complication arises, you can complete the follow-up with your primary care doctor.


People who are diagnosed with diabetes see a primary care doctor regularly so that they can keep their blood sugar level in control. They have to take medication to maintain their blood sugar level regularly. The hormone specialist will look for additional strategies to keep diabetes in check.


Many factors can lead to osteoporosis, like age-related changes in hormone levels. If your primary doctor suspects that hormone changes are responsible for your osteoporosis, they will send you to the hormone specialist for evaluation and a treatment plan.

Contact the Specialist Today

If you are suffering from any hormone disorder, consider contacting The Broadway Clinic, as they have the most skilled and experienced specialists who can help you with a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan. Book your appointment today!

**Disclaimer: This content does not aim to provide any medical advice nor does it constitute or prescribe any doctor-patient relationship.