How does Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Promote Weight Loss?

An increase in weight and aging leads to an imbalance in the production of hormones in men as well as women. Although this is commonly seen in your 40s, hormonal imbalances can also occur at an early age. This often persuades you to search for an authentic weight loss clinic.

Before you can notice the symptoms, you will begin to feel more exhausted and start gaining some extra weight. Our expert weight loss doctors at The Broadway Clinic can elucidate how an imbalance in hormones leads to weight gain, and how BHRT assists in restoring your vitality and losing weight.

Link Between Health and Hormones

All men and women require an appropriate amount of sex hormones for maintaining optimal health. Women produce higher amounts of estrogen whereas men make higher levels of testosterone.

A balance in these hormones leads to the contribution of numerous physiological functions such as:

  • Maintains the strength of bones.

  • Builds and maintains lean mass.

  • Helps in the distribution of fat.

  • Provides protection against various diseases

  • Helps regulate mood.

  • Assists in reducing fat storage.

  • Regulates energy

  • Promotes optimum sex drive.

Uneasy symptoms begin to appear when you do not produce the hormones required by your body, with fatigue and obesity being the most common issues.

Pellet Hormone Replacement Therapy

This is one of the most effective methods for replacing the missing hormones, helping you feel healthy while losing weight. This therapy makes use of a unique way to deliver hormones that is usually more effective and convenient than creams, pills, and injections.

Pellets (that resemble the size of a rice grain) are offered through a tiny incision of your skin to provide a continual supply of hormones. Various factors (such as activity levels) are responsible for affecting the release of hormones.

As you become more active, an increase in the blood flow helps in releasing additional hormones from the pellet for your requirements.

The pellets essentially consist of pure hormones and do not leave behind any residue after they get fully absorbed.

How BHRT Can Benefit You?

  • BHRT comes with a lot of health benefits, some of which include:

  • Lowering the chances of osteoporosis.

  • Lowers symptoms of hormonal imbalances.

  • Helps in increasing the energy levels.

  • Reduces the risk of heart disease.

  • Improves well-being and your overall life quality.

  • Helps in managing weight.

  • Boosts libido.

Healthcare You Can Trust

Looking for an ideal weight loss clinic to help you shed those extra pounds? End your search with The Broadway Clinic.

Our exceptional team of expert doctors, immediate appointments, and world-class facilities are here to take care of all your healthcare needs. Go ahead and book your appointment with us today!

**Disclaimer: This content does not aim to provide any medical advice nor does it constitute or prescribe any doctor-patient relationship.