Estrogen 101 - As Discussed by a Hormone Clinic

Estrogen is one of the two primary sex hormones associated with AFAB people (assigned female at birth). AFAB includes cis women, trans men, and non-binary individuals with a vagina. Estrogen plays a major part in an individual’s reproductive health. The hormone is also critically important for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, pregnancy, and menstruation.

Estrogen is also essential for certain other bodily functions. Even though AFAB people synthesize the maximum amount of estrogen, it is present in all other genders as well.

Three Major Forms of Estrogen

  • E1 - Estrone

The most common type of estrogen found in the body after menopause.

  • E2 - Estradiol

The most common type of estrogen found in the body during the reproductive years. Estradiol is the most potent estrogen.

  • E3 - Estriol

The most common type of estrogen found in the body during pregnancy.

Location of Estrogen

The ovaries are the primary source of estrogen production in the body. The adrenal glands and adipose tissues are also involved in synthesizing miniscule amounts of estrogen. During pregnancy, the placenta secretes estriol (a type of estrogen).

Once the estrogen has been released into the bloodstream and it reaches the target body part, the molecules of the hormone bind to a certain receptor protein. On having successfully completed the bonding process, the region is spurred into action. Estrogen receptor proteins can be found in multiple locations throughout the body.

Estrogen Sources and Uses

Estrogen Therapy

Women’s hormone clinics introduced Estogrogen Hormone Replacement Therapy (ERT) in the 1960s, though it only became popular in the US during the late 90s. Estrogen therapy is used to treat post-menopausal symptoms. At The Broadway Clinic, our estrogen therapy often involves bioidentical estrogen. Other times, it may also include progestin.

Estrogen intake can happen in the following forms -

  • Pills

  • Patches

  • Injections

  • Vaginal rings

  • Vaginal creams

  • Skin gels and sprays

Estrogen therapy is primarily responsible for the treatment of hot flashes, anxiety, depression and unstable moods, sleep disorders, and vaginal dryness. Estrogen also prevents the onset of osteoporosis that comes with aging. Many of our patients also observe that estrogen therapy bettered their sex drive.

Do note that before considering hormone therapy, you should speak to your doctor. Certain preexisting health conditions like thyroid can make you unfit for estrogen therapy.

Transitioning to Female

Trans women are prescribed estrogen therapy, in addition to anti-androgenic treatment as a part of their transitioning process. The estrogen helps the individual develop feminine secondary sexual characters, including the formation of breasts and reduction of male pattern hair growth.

Birth Control

Estrogen has also been found use as birth control. Most birth control pills contain estrogen and progestin. It stops ovulation and thickens the mucosal layer in the cervix to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg.

The Broadway Clinic is a men’s and women’s hormone clinic that offers Bioidentical Hormone Treatments to its patients. We provide progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, and DHEA treatments along with Estrogen. Have a few questions for us? We would be happy to answer!

Visit our contact page to reach out

**Disclaimer: This content does not aim to provide any medical advice nor does it constitute or prescribe any doctor-patient relationship.