Does Excess Alcohol Consumption Ruin Your Hormonal Level Too?

It’s 2023 and we still are going through the holiday season vibe. The holidays apparently start from Thanksgiving and continue to the New Year. Thanks to these marvelous occasions like 25th December and New Year, we celebrate special moments by consuming good food and alcohol.

Most of us consume alcohol and a small amount of daily consumption is good for our health. But what if we drink alcohol in huge amounts? Doctors often ask patients whether they drink alcohol. The reasons behind asking this question are simple.

The impact of alcohol consumption on our overall health. How so? Read this article to learn the negative effects of alcohol on our body and if you experience complications, contact a hormone specialist in OKC.

What Do Statistics Say?

The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has revealed that nearly 80,000 people die from alcohol in the United States every Year. According to research, in a developed country, 8%-18% of males and 2%-4% of females suffer from an alcohol-related death and disease.

The research also has found that 14 million Americans are suffering from alcohol use disorder which is categorized into two parts- alcohol dependency and alcohol abuse.

What Are The Common Effects Of Excessive Alcohol Consumption?

  • Vomiting

  • Acid reflux

  • Face problems while coordinating

  • Need to pee more frequently

  • Slurred speech

  • Uncontrolled body temperature


There are several men and women who are suffering from estrogen dominance and deal with various problems. Due to excessive estrogen, women experience several problems, including endometriosis, fibroids and uterine polyps, heavy periods, infertility, weight gain, irregular periods, PMS and estrogenic cancer. Therefore, they should visit a hormone specialist immediately.

When you consume excessive alcohol, it increases the level of estrogen and affects the liver negatively. During that time, your body gives topmost priority to eliminating alcohol than reducing excessive estrogen.

Also, your body experience difficulties in metabolizing estrogen because alcohol damage the estrogen-metabolizing bacteria.

Visit A Hormone Specialist To Treat Your Adrenal Glands

These glands improve your immune system and control your blood pressure and metabolism by producing steroid hormones. If you consume alcohol excessively daily, this poor lifestyle choice weakens the function of these glands and leads to adrenal fatigue.

As a result, you gain excessive weight, crave food unnecessarily and the ability to fight disease gets reduced. In addition, you may also suffer from increased blood pressure and low libido.

Alcohol Consumption Affects Bone Structure And Calcium Metabolism

A good amount of Calcium level is important for our body because it helps us to keep our teeth and bone strong. We know that to lead a healthy life, the hormonal level should be normal since our body relies upon various hormones, including vitamin D-derived hormones, parathyroid hormone and calcitonin.

But when you consume excessive alcohol, the hormones fail to absorb calcium and distribute them between bones and body fluids.

Take Care Of Yourself

The hormone is one of the most important elements which keep our body in good shape. Without it, you may experience several problems which decrease your quality of life. Anyway, please consult with an endocrinologist. You can also call us at The Broadway Clinic in OKC to learn more.

**Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be a doctor's advice, nor does it create any form of the patient-doctor relationship.