Are High testosterone levels in women a severe problem?

Testosterone is the male sex hormone, a small amount of which is also produced in women's ovaries. In the female body, testosterone is combined with estrogen and helps in overall growth and maintenance. Testosterone also repairs the reproductive tissues in women and impacts behavior and bone mass.

In this article, learn about reasons that cause high testosterone in women, symptoms, and possible treatments. If you are diagnosed with increased testosterone levels, contact our women's hormone clinic in OKC to balance the hormone.

What Is an Average Testosterone Level?

The average testosterone level in men should be around 280 to 1,100 nanograms per deciliter. In women, testosterone levels remain much lower amount. The intermediate testosterone level in women is usually measured between 15 and 70 ng/dL.

What Are the Symptoms of High Testosterone in Women?

  • Increased muscle mass

  • Irregular periods

  • Deep voice

  • Acne

  • Excess hair on their body

  • Reduction in breast size

  • Thinning hair

  • Loss of libido

  • Mood changes

  • Larger-than-normal clitoris

How to Diagnose This Condition?

Noticing any of the symptoms mentioned above may indicate that you should immediately talk to a health care provider. First, your doctor will perform physical tests. Your doctor may search for these symptoms during the examination, like acne, abnormal facial hair and excess body hair.

If the symptoms seem abnormal, your doctor may recommend a testosterone test to measure the level in your blood. The expert may perform this test in the morning when the testosterone is at its highest. Doctors ask you to stop taking any medications before the test to avoid the possible side effects.

What Conditions Cause High Testosterone in Women?

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

An excess of androgynous hormones in women can lead to PCOS, another hormonal; disorder. Having PCOS means you may notice unwanted body hair growth, prolonged periods and enlarged ovaries which do not function properly.

  • Hirsutism

In this condition, women notice unwanted hair growth in their bodies. There is a connection between abnormal hormonal conditions to an individual's genetics. This problem occurs mainly in the chest, back and face.

In case of excessive-high testosterone level, other symptoms such as deepening voice, balding, acne, reduced breast size and increased muscle mass can also be visible.

What Are the Treatment Options?

Remember that doctors provide treatments based on testosterone levels and their causes. But taking medications and changing your lifestyle can improve your condition greatly.

Seek Medical Help

High testosterone levels can lead to various problems in women. Getting medical treatment on time can reduce the signs quickly. Women should consider this health problem with more importance.

Therefore, whenever you notice these symptoms, contact our women's hormone clinic in OKC. Call us at The Broadway Clinic to learn more about this.

**Disclaimer: This content does not aim to provide any medical advice nor does it constitute or prescribe any doctor-patient relationship.